Welcome To The Bohemian Hall Ashland

The Bohemian Hall on 11th Ave East in Ashland has been a fixture in our community for generations – polka dances, pancake breakfasts, and celebrations of every sort have filled this hall with friends and family for over a century. Ask anyone around these parts if they’ve got a fond memory of the Bohemian, and chances are they do. We formed a new nonprofit organization (the Bay City Cultural Center) to save the building for continued community benefit and enjoyment! Your donation will help us revitalize this important gathering place and ensure that the “Jewel of the East End” continues to bring people together for another hundred years!

You can help by donating.

Donating and supporting the Bohemian Hall is an act of preserving not just a physical space but a vibrant cultural heritage. By contributing to the upkeep and enhancement of this historic venue, you play a crucial role in safeguarding a piece of our community’s identity and history. Your donations help ensure that the Bohemian Hall can continue to host events, celebrate traditions, and bring people together for generations to come. Whether you’re passionate about preserving local landmarks, supporting arts and culture, or nurturing a sense of community, your support for the Bohemian Hall directly contributes to the betterment of our shared space and the enrichment of our collective spirit. Join us in keeping the legacy alive and thriving.


We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the generous souls who have contributed to the Bohemian Hall renovation fund. Your support means the world to us! Every dollar donated goes directly toward restoring and preserving this cherished cultural treasure. We are especially grateful to those considering recurring monthly donations; your continued commitment will help us breathe new life into this historic landmark. It’s worth mentioning that all donations to the Bohemian Hall are tax-deductible, making your contribution even more impactful. Together, we can ensure that this iconic place remains a vibrant hub for our community for generations to come. Thank you for being a part of our journey to revitalize the Bohemian Hall!


Help Support The Bohemian Hall

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319 11th Ave E, Ashland, WI 54806

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